Speech Language Therapy Programs for Kids

Our Speech-Language Pathologists provide assessment and individualized speech therapy services to children who present difficulties with one or more of the following:

Speech Delay

Speech delay refers to the clarity of speech sounds and overall clarity of one’s speech. As children develop, sometimes they have problems producing certain sounds, making their speech difficult to understand and unclear. Although it is normal for children to make mistakes as they learn to speak, consistent articulation difficulties that persist past certain age ranges become a problem that requires assessment and potential treatment. Speech-Language Pathologists can help by providing a thorough articulation assessment and tailored treatment goals to meet your child’s needs. If you are concerned that your child may have articulation or clarity difficulties, and assessment by a Speech-Language Pathologist is recommended.

Literacy Skills

Learning how to read and write is crucial to academic success. At Speech Kids Canada we can help your child build his/her literacy skills through a fun and educational program. Your Speech-Language Pathologist can help your child build his/her knowledge of sounds and letters, improve his/her decoding and reading comprehension, as well as writing and spelling skills to become a more fluent and confident student. Whether your child is preschool age or in high-school, literacy support is available. If you are concerned that your child may have difficulties with reading comprehension, decoding, writing, spelling, or other literacy skills, an assessment by a Speech-Language Pathologist is strongly recommended.

Receptive Language Development

Children understand language well before they are able to communicate using words and sentences. Receptive language development refers to your child’s ability to understand words (vocabulary). A delay or difficulty in comprehension/understanding can often lead to difficulty following directions and instructions, and may lead to learning or behaviour problems. If you are concerned that your child may have difficulties understanding what others say, an assessment by a Speech-Language Pathologist is strongly recommended.

Expressive Language Development

Expressive language refers to the ability to communicate in words, sentences and/or gestures in conversation, using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. Your child may have an expressive language disorder or delay if he/she uses fewer words than his/her peers, uses inappropriate words in context, has difficulties conveying information, and problems with both oral and written expression. Expressive language problems may impact your child’s ability to express him/herself in an organized, coherent and meaningful way, and can significantly interfere with academic and social success. If you are concerned that your child may have an expressive language disorder or delay, an assessment by a Speech-Language Pathologist is strongly recommended.

Voice Production

Voice (or vocalization) is created by a series of complex and interrelated interactions of the lungs, voice box (larynx), tongue, teeth, and lips. Many things we do on a daily basis can injure our voice, and thus, our vocal cords. Children can get hoarse voices by talking too much, and too loudly, making car or other noises, clearing their throats or screaming. These abusive behaviours can also lead to problems such as nodules, and polyps on the vocal cords. If you are concerned that your child’s voice quality is hoarse, an assessment by a Speech-Language Pathologist is recommended.


Stuttering is a disorder that is characterized by breaks in the flow of speech including stops or blocks during speech, repetitions of sounds or words, as well as prolongations of sounds. Stuttering can affect children of all ages, both physically and emotionally. Speech-Language Pathologists are trained to help each child improve his/her speech fluency by providing strategies and interventions to target these difficulties. Early intervention is best for the most long-term success. If you are concerned that your child has been stuttering for more than 3 months, or if you have a family history of stuttering and are concerned that your child is stuttering, an assessment by a Speech-Language Pathologist is strongly recommended.

Language Boost

Are you wondering how your child is doing with his/her speech and language development?
Are you looking to stimulate language and help your child with his/her first words and beyond?

Language Boost is available! We provide an individualized assessment that outlines your child’s speech and language skills, followed by a tailored approach to help facilitate growth through engaging everyday activities! Call us today and mention, Language Boost!